Book Of Mormon Trivia Questions

Prepare to embark on a captivating journey with our comprehensive Book of Mormon Trivia Questions! From the annals of history to the depths of its teachings, challenge yourself and delve into the intricacies of this sacred text.

Get ready to unravel the mysteries, explore the lives of iconic characters, and gain a deeper understanding of the events and doctrines that have shaped the narrative of the Book of Mormon.

Book of Mormon Trivia Questions

The Book of Mormon is a sacred text for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is a collection of writings by ancient prophets that chronicles the history and teachings of God’s dealings with the inhabitants of the Americas.

The Book of Mormon contains a wealth of information, and there are many interesting trivia questions that can be asked about it.

The following is a comprehensive list of trivia questions covering various aspects of the Book of Mormon, including its history, characters, events, and teachings:

History of the Book of Mormon

  • Who is credited with translating the Book of Mormon?
  • What language were the original plates of the Book of Mormon written in?
  • How many witnesses testified to seeing the golden plates?
  • When was the Book of Mormon first published?

Characters in the Book of Mormon

  • Who was the first prophet in the Book of Mormon?
  • Who was the most wicked king in the Book of Mormon?
  • Who was the greatest warrior in the Book of Mormon?
  • Who was the first missionary in the Book of Mormon?

Events in the Book of Mormon

  • What was the name of the great battle between the Nephites and the Lamanites?
  • What was the name of the ship that brought the Jaredites to the Americas?
  • What was the name of the city that was destroyed by fire?
  • What was the name of the prophet who saw the vision of the Tree of Life?

Teachings in the Book of Mormon

  • What is the central message of the Book of Mormon?
  • What are the three main principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ?
  • What is the importance of the Atonement of Jesus Christ?
  • What is the role of the Holy Ghost in our lives?

Categories of Trivia Questions

To enhance the enjoyment and educational value of Book of Mormon trivia, we categorize the questions into distinct groups, each highlighting specific aspects of the sacred text.

These categories allow enthusiasts to test their knowledge in various areas, providing a comprehensive understanding of the Book of Mormon’s history, characters, events, and teachings.

If you’re a trivia buff, you might enjoy testing your knowledge of the Book of Mormon. Questions can range from the straightforward to the obscure. For instance, do you know the name of the angel who appeared to Joseph Smith? Or can you identify the metaphor in Romeo and Juliet that compares love to a rose? (Hint: here’s a helpful article .) Back to the Book of Mormon, did you know that the plates from which the book was translated were originally written in reformed Egyptian? The more you delve into the Book of Mormon, the more fascinating trivia you’ll discover.

History and Origins

  • The historical context and circumstances surrounding the Book of Mormon’s creation
  • The process of its translation and publication
  • The controversies and debates associated with its authenticity

Characters and Lineages

  • The prominent figures and their familial connections in the Book of Mormon
  • The lineages of the various tribes and nations
  • The relationships and interactions between key characters

Events and Miracles

  • The significant events and miracles recorded in the Book of Mormon
  • The divine interventions and manifestations of God’s power
  • The challenges and triumphs faced by the ancient prophets

Teachings and Doctrines

  • The fundamental doctrines and principles taught in the Book of Mormon
  • The moral lessons and ethical guidelines it provides
  • The insights into the nature of God, humanity, and the afterlife

Levels of Difficulty

Book of mormon trivia questions

The trivia questions are designed with varying levels of difficulty to accommodate players with different knowledge levels and interests.

The levels of difficulty are categorized as follows:


  • Questions that cover basic concepts, well-known characters, and significant events in the Book of Mormon.
  • Answers can be found directly in the text or require minimal interpretation.


  • Questions that require a deeper understanding of the Book of Mormon, including its teachings, historical context, and symbolism.
  • Answers may involve connecting different passages, understanding the significance of events, or interpreting key concepts.


  • Questions that test players’ comprehensive knowledge of the Book of Mormon, including obscure references, intricate doctrinal points, and historical details.
  • Answers may require extensive research, careful analysis, and a nuanced understanding of the text.

Multiple Choice Questions

Multiple-choice questions are a common type of trivia question that offers multiple answer options for each question. These questions typically have one correct answer and several incorrect answers, or distractors.

Benefits of Multiple Choice Questions, Book of mormon trivia questions

Multiple-choice questions can be beneficial for trivia because they:

  • Allow for a wide range of question types and difficulty levels.
  • Provide immediate feedback to participants, allowing them to assess their knowledge.
  • Can be easily graded and scored.
  • Help participants identify areas where they need to improve their knowledge.

True or False Questions

Book of mormon trivia questions

True or false questions assess the accuracy of knowledge and understanding of the Book of Mormon.

These questions test the individual’s ability to discern between factual and incorrect information, ensuring a thorough comprehension of the text.

Categories of True or False Questions

  • Basic Facts:These questions cover fundamental information about the Book of Mormon, such as its authorship, publication date, and main characters.
  • Historical Events:These questions focus on the historical events depicted in the Book of Mormon, including the Nephite and Lamanite wars and the destruction of the Nephite civilization.
  • Doctrinal Teachings:These questions assess the understanding of the doctrinal principles taught in the Book of Mormon, such as the nature of God, the Atonement of Jesus Christ, and the importance of faith and obedience.
  • Cultural Practices:These questions explore the cultural practices of the ancient inhabitants of the Americas, as depicted in the Book of Mormon, such as their clothing, food, and religious rituals.

Open-Ended Questions: Book Of Mormon Trivia Questions

Book of mormon trivia questions

Open-ended questions delve deeper into the text, encouraging thoughtful responses and fostering a comprehensive understanding of the Book of Mormon.

These questions prompt individuals to explore the narrative, characters, and themes, requiring them to provide detailed explanations and insightful perspectives.


  • Discuss the significance of the Liahona in the journey of the Nephites and Lamanites. How does it symbolize divine guidance and the importance of following God’s will?
  • Analyze the character of Captain Moroni. What qualities make him an effective leader, and how does he embody the values of courage, integrity, and unwavering faith?
  • Explore the theme of redemption in the Book of Mormon. How do characters experience forgiveness and reconciliation, and what lessons can we learn from their journeys?

Answer Key

Book of mormon trivia questions

The answer key provides the correct responses to all the Book of Mormon trivia questions.

It is essential to review the questions carefully before attempting to answer them, as this will ensure that the correct information is recalled and applied.

Multiple Choice Questions

  • Who was the first prophet of the Book of Mormon? Nephi
  • What was the name of the promised land where the Nephites settled? The Land of Promise
  • Who was the wicked king who sought to destroy the Nephites? Amalickiah
  • What was the name of the final prophet of the Book of Mormon? Moroni
  • How many books are there in the Book of Mormon? 15

True or False Questions

  • The Book of Mormon was written in reformed Egyptian. True
  • The Nephites were descended from the tribe of Ephraim. True
  • The Book of Mormon contains the writings of only one prophet. False
  • The Book of Mormon is a historical record of the ancient Americas. True
  • The Book of Mormon teaches that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world. True

Open-Ended Questions

  • What are the main themes of the Book of Mormon? Faith, obedience, repentance, and the importance of following God’s commandments.
  • How has the Book of Mormon influenced the lives of Latter-day Saints? It has strengthened their faith, provided guidance, and helped them to understand the plan of salvation.
  • What are some of the challenges faced by the Nephites and Lamanites? War, famine, persecution, and apostasy.
  • What are the lessons that can be learned from the Book of Mormon? The importance of following God’s commandments, the power of faith, and the consequences of sin.
  • How can the Book of Mormon help us in our daily lives? It can provide guidance, comfort, and inspiration.

Key Questions Answered

What is the name of the prophet who received the golden plates?

Joseph Smith

How many books are in the Book of Mormon?


Who was the first person to be baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?

Oliver Cowdery

What is the name of the hill where Joseph Smith received the golden plates?


Who was the leader of the Nephites during the final battle against the Lamanites?
