Lab 10-2 Practicing Linux Commands

Lab 10-2 practicing linux commands – Embark on a journey into the realm of Linux commands with lab 10-2, a comprehensive guide that will equip you with the essential knowledge and skills to navigate the Linux terminal with confidence. This lab will delve into the intricacies of basic Linux commands, file and directory management, input and output redirection, text processing utilities, and the fundamentals of shell scripting.

As we progress through this lab, you will gain a deep understanding of how to create, modify, and delete files and directories, effectively manage file permissions and ownership, and harness the power of input and output redirection to streamline your workflow.

Basic Linux s: Lab 10-2 Practicing Linux Commands

Linux s are powerful tools that allow users to interact with the operating system and manage files and directories. This section introduces some of the most commonly used Linux s, including ls, cd, mkdir, rm, and cat, explaining their syntax, options, and providing examples of their usage in various scenarios.

The ls

The ls is used to list the contents of a directory. Its basic syntax is:

ls [options] [path]


  • options: Specify how the files should be listed. Some common options include:
    • -a: List all files, including hidden files.
    • -l: List files in a long format, providing detailed information such as file permissions, owner, size, and modification date.
    • -h: Display file sizes in a human-readable format (e.g., KB, MB, GB).
  • path: The directory whose contents should be listed. If no path is specified, the current directory is used.

For example, the following would list all files in the current directory in a long format:



File and Directory Management

File and directory management is a crucial aspect of working with Linux systems. It involves creating, modifying, and deleting files and directories, as well as managing file permissions and ownership. Understanding these concepts is essential for effective navigation and organization within the Linux environment.

File and Directory Creation

To create a new file, use the touch command followed by the file name. For example, to create a file named “myfile.txt,” you would type:

touch myfile.txt

To create a new directory, use the mkdir command followed by the directory name. For example, to create a directory named “mydirectory,” you would type:

mkdir mydirectory

File and Directory Modification

To modify an existing file, use a text editor such as nano or vi. Once you have opened the file, make the necessary changes and save it using the appropriate commands within the editor.

To rename a file or directory, use the mv command followed by the old name and the new name. For example, to rename “myfile.txt” to “newmyfile.txt,” you would type:

mv myfile.txt newmyfile.txt

File and Directory Deletion

To delete a file, use the rm command followed by the file name. For example, to delete “myfile.txt,” you would type:

rm myfile.txt

To delete a directory, use the rmdir command followed by the directory name. For example, to delete “mydirectory,” you would type:

rmdir mydirectory

File Permissions and Ownership

File permissions determine who can access and modify a file. There are three types of permissions: read, write, and execute. Each type of permission can be granted to the file’s owner, group, or others.

To view the permissions of a file, use the ls -l command. For example, to view the permissions of “myfile.txt,” you would type:

-l myfile.txt

To modify the permissions of a file, use the chmod command followed by the new permissions and the file name. For example, to grant write permissions to the group for “myfile.txt,” you would type:

chmod g+w myfile.txt

File ownership determines who owns a file. To view the owner of a file, use the ls -l command. To change the owner of a file, use the chown command followed by the new owner and the file name.

For example, to change the owner of “myfile.txt” to “newuser,” you would type:

chown newuser myfile.txt

Using Find Command

The find command is a powerful tool for searching for files and directories based on various criteria. It can be used to find files by name, type, size, date, and other attributes.

To search for a file named “myfile.txt,” you would type:

find /
-name myfile.txt

To search for all files with the “.txt” extension, you would type:

find /

Input and Output Redirection

Input and output redirection allow you to redirect the input or output of a command to a file or another command. This is useful for automating tasks, creating custom filters, and working with large datasets.

Redirection Operators

The following operators are used for input and output redirection:

  • >: Redirects output to a file. If the file exists, it will be overwritten.
  • >>: Redirects output to a file. If the file exists, it will be appended to.
  • <: Redirects input from a file.
  • |: Pipes the output of one command to the input of another command.

Combining Redirection and Pipes

Redirection and pipes can be combined to create powerful commands. For example, the following command redirects the output of the lscommand to the grepcommand, which filters the output to only show lines containing the word "file":

```ls | grep file```

Text Processing Utilities

Text processing utilities are essential tools for manipulating and analyzing text data. They provide powerful commands for searching, filtering, extracting, and transforming text.


grep (Global Regular Expression Print) is a command-line tool used to search for specific patterns within text files. It supports regular expressions, allowing for complex pattern matching.

  • Syntax:grep [options] pattern [file]
  • Example:grep "error" system.log


sed (Stream Editor) is a stream editor that allows for the transformation of text data. It operates on a line-by-line basis, applying specified editing commands.

  • Syntax:sed [options] 'command' [file]
  • Example:sed 's/error/warning/g' system.log


awk is a pattern-scanning and data-processing language. It combines features of sed and grep, allowing for more complex text manipulation.

  • Syntax:awk [options] 'script' [file]
  • Example:awk 'print $1, $3' system.log

Shell Scripting

Shell scripting is a powerful tool that allows users to automate tasks and create custom commands in Linux. It involves writing a series of commands in a text file, which is then executed by the shell.

Shell scripts consist of a header line, variable declarations, control flow statements, and input/output operations. The header line specifies the interpreter to be used, typically "/bin/bash". Variables are used to store data and can be manipulated using assignment operators. Control flow statements, such as if-else and while loops, allow for conditional execution of commands.

Input/output operations enable scripts to interact with users and files.

Creating a Simple Shell Script

To create a shell script, open a text editor and save the file with a ".sh" extension. For example, "". The following is an example of a simple shell script:

echo "Hello, world!" 

The first line specifies the interpreter, "/bin/bash". The second line uses the "echo" command to print "Hello, world!" to the console.

Executing a Shell Script, Lab 10-2 practicing linux commands

To execute a shell script, make it executable using the "chmod" command:

chmod +x 

Then, run the script using the following command:


User Queries

What is the purpose of lab 10-2?

Lab 10-2 is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of essential Linux commands, empowering you to navigate the Linux terminal effectively.

What topics are covered in lab 10-2?

Lab 10-2 covers a wide range of topics, including basic Linux commands, file and directory management, input and output redirection, text processing utilities, and shell scripting.

What are the benefits of completing lab 10-2?

Completing lab 10-2 will equip you with the skills to automate tasks, manipulate text data with ease, and navigate the Linux command line with efficiency.